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Catholic Parishes of

Burnham-on-Crouch and Maldon


Sunday Mass Times


Saturday Confessions 4pm

Saturday Vigil Mass 5pm

Sunday Mass 9am

Weekday Mass times see Newsletter



Sunday Confessions 11am

Sunday Mass 11.30am

Weekday Mass times See Newsletter

Contact Us

The Parish Priest

Assumption of Our Lady Catholic Church

60a Victoria Road





Tel: 01621 852259

Email :




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Assumption of Our Lady & St Cuthberts youth club is open to our young parishioners on the first Friday evening of the month from 8 pm till 10 pm during term time. It is a safe place where together the youth of our parish can deepen their love of the Lord and forge friendships that may last a lifetime. It is open to boys and girls in school years 8 to 12. We have our own Youth Parish Council where we discuss the importance of our presence and role within our parish and wider community.  


Most importantly it is free to attend and refreshments are also available – free of charge. The youth club run many events during the year and day trips e.g. film nights, Flame at Wembley Arena, quizzes and games nights. In the future we will be going to London to visit Catholic landmarks and finishing the evening with a theatre visit.

Our parish youth will be fundraising for the youth club so that we can offer such a wide range of activities that are youth lead so they get to enjoy the things they want to do most.


Going forward we will be raising money for a pilgrimage to Rome and we are planning many exciting fundraising events.  Upcoming events are advertised in the weekly newsletter available in the church or on this site under the parish newsletter tab. So please if you haven't tried it come along new members always welcome.


To our young parishioners, the youth club is always looking for new members; they are vital for the youth club to continue.


For more information please Contact Lorraine Morgan  tel 01621-858323



Catholic youth
Youth at Wembly.resized
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