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Burnham-on-Crouch & Maldon Brownies

1st Burnham on Crouch Brownies are a very active pack learning new skills, new thrills, meeting new friends and generally having a great time! We are lucky enough to meet in the Church hall which has excellent facilities to ensure the girls can try out lots of new things. We even had a camp fire one night in the garden! We meet up with other packs in the area as well and go on joint sleep overs! Being part of the Girlguiding Association is just one big adventure!


Maldon Guides, Brownies and Rainbows use the Church hall at Maldon as well so both Churches have strong links with the Association.


If anyone is interested in joining the Girlguiding Association please log on to:


1st Burnham on Crouch Brownies


St Cuthbert's Church Hall is the home of the wonderful 1st Burnham on Crouch Brownies. Brownies is part of the biggest Girls only Association in the world. Children can join this Association from the age of 5 as a Rainbow and continue through to their more mature years by becoming a leader!

Catholic Parishes of

Burnham-on-Crouch and Maldon


Sunday Mass Times


Saturday Confessions 4pm

Saturday Vigil Mass 5pm

Sunday Mass 9am

Weekday Mass times see Newsletter



Sunday Confessions 11am

Sunday Mass 11.30am

Weekday Mass times See Newsletter

Contact Us

The Parish Priest

Assumption of Our Lady Catholic Church

60a Victoria Road





Tel: 01621 852259

Email :




Header Maldon CS (1)
Header Burnham CS
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Maldon (Maldon Brownies and Rainbows are NOT active at this time)


7th Maldon Brownies & Rainbows


Our parish has thriving Rainbow and Bownie units that meet on a Friday evening during term time.

Rainbows for girls aged 5-7 years. They learn by doing. Taking part in a range of different activities, crafts, games and challenges and earning badges We go on visits, and trips out as well as having guests visit us.


Brownies for girls aged 7-10 years. Allows girls to take part in adventures with their exsisting guiding friends and new friends, they discover new experiences through trying adventurous activities, challenges, attending special events, crafts, going on day trips, sleepovers and holidays and of course badge work! Our community effort for the church is to look after the garden around the church hall where we plant spring bulbs and summer flowering annuals.


This all helps Rainbows and Brownies to make new friends, have fun and grow in confidence.


But they are desperate for new leaders to take over the running of the units as all 4 leaders of both units are retiring or leaving in July 2019, if interested in becoming a Leader or to register an interest in girls wanting to join girlguiding log onto and select 7th Maldon Rainbows or Brownies and they will contact you.



Burnham-on-Crouch Guides

Burnham on Crouch - St Cuthbert's


1st Burnham on Crouch Guides    Thursday 7.30pm to 9.00pm term time only


1st Burnham on Crouch Guides have now opened their doors at St Cuthberts Church Hall.  They began in September 2018 with 1st Althorne Guides coming over to start the new unit.   Numbers started with 4 and are now rising most weeks with 12 on the books now.  We have already experienced some great things such as canoeing, camp fires, parliament week, a visit from the charity CHESS who ran an excellent evening educating the girls about homelessness in Chelmsford.  There is loads more planned with 6 of the guides attending a Christmas camp this weekend.  

Next term we are embracing the new Girlguiding programme and will be attending at special showing of Mary Poppins in Chelmsford, together with a visit to the Houses of Parliament and not to mention the annual Guide camp in August!

We would love more new members, please log onto :

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